Friday, January 30, 2004
Breaking news: Shirzad is not Shirzad
Breaking news (like CNN!)
Second to second report from one of the most important events in Persian blogs.
“Turns out that the whole Shirzad blog is an imposter.”
(Copied from Hossein Derakhsan’s blog)
1. What I was desperately looking for in the official sit-in blog was found in Yaas-e No daily: Ahmad Shirzad's account of the sit-in is absolutely a blog-style diary, especially since he is a protesting MP himself.
2. Ahmad Shirzad, Iranian MP, seems to be interested in what I wrote the other day about him setting up a blog and writing about the sit-in on it. I've setup a blog for him anyways after receiving his email. But how do I know this is really Ahmad Shirzad and not some cheesy imposter?
3. Turns out that the whole Shirzad blog is an imposter.
4. The documents and emails of him are not accessible, but I have!
Identification is a big problem in cyber space. But Hossein says problems lead us to many advantages as this problem do.
Second to second report from one of the most important events in Persian blogs.
“Turns out that the whole Shirzad blog is an imposter.”
(Copied from Hossein Derakhsan’s blog)
1. What I was desperately looking for in the official sit-in blog was found in Yaas-e No daily: Ahmad Shirzad's account of the sit-in is absolutely a blog-style diary, especially since he is a protesting MP himself.
2. Ahmad Shirzad, Iranian MP, seems to be interested in what I wrote the other day about him setting up a blog and writing about the sit-in on it. I've setup a blog for him anyways after receiving his email. But how do I know this is really Ahmad Shirzad and not some cheesy imposter?
3. Turns out that the whole Shirzad blog is an imposter.
4. The documents and emails of him are not accessible, but I have!
Identification is a big problem in cyber space. But Hossein says problems lead us to many advantages as this problem do.
Important & joyful news
Important & joyful news
If I die or something happen to me that I couldn’t write you will be informed right here. I arrange a procedure that in that case my brother could access to my password and inform you about my death or the problem that has happened to me. Are you happy now?
If I die or something happen to me that I couldn’t write you will be informed right here. I arrange a procedure that in that case my brother could access to my password and inform you about my death or the problem that has happened to me. Are you happy now?
Thursday, January 29, 2004
“Love is …”
“Love is …”
Yesterday I was looking up for one of my notebooks, which I had 5 years ago. I found 5 papers of “Love is…” (Gum paper?). They were a little sheets of paper with an image on it and a sentence in three languages about love. I found its site. Visit it in below address:

Yesterday I was looking up for one of my notebooks, which I had 5 years ago. I found 5 papers of “Love is…” (Gum paper?). They were a little sheets of paper with an image on it and a sentence in three languages about love. I found its site. Visit it in below address:

Why we are not direct and honest?
My father when was young in fact a child, used to go to bath with his mother (my grand mother) to take shower. May be you laughing but 50 years ago in Iran and Tabriz there was public bathes for people to take shower like sauna that we see now in modern life. But it was a necessary mean of life for those days, because there were not bathrooms in homes for taking shower.
However, (I explain about history and we get far from the main subject) main subject was about my father. When they were in that public bath one of women who was naked told to my father: “the next time you come, bring your father too!” My father that couldn’t understand what she has implied replied: “yes sir!!”
This is one of our historic habits that don’t want to send our messages directly. And used to imply.
However, (I explain about history and we get far from the main subject) main subject was about my father. When they were in that public bath one of women who was naked told to my father: “the next time you come, bring your father too!” My father that couldn’t understand what she has implied replied: “yes sir!!”
This is one of our historic habits that don’t want to send our messages directly. And used to imply.
Wednesday, January 28, 2004
Test yourself
If you want to test yourself see this:
Monday, January 26, 2004
Official weblog for Iranian MPs in the sit-in
Mp's sit-in for free election:

Pac-Man freebie revives memories
The first game I have played with pc:


Sunday, January 25, 2004
Thursday, January 22, 2004
What is peace?
The Godars are Gypsies of Indian descent, who live in Northern Iran. No exact date is known for their migration to Iran. There is a belief that, in the fifth century, in order to entertain his subjects, King Bahram Djour had ordered two thousands Indian musicians to be dispatched to Iran. Among them were dancers, performers, musicians and prostitutes. Their original religion was Animism, which is a primitive belief that every object and phenomenon possesses life and soul. After the Islamic Revolution, the Godars were forced to convert to Islam and although they are now officially Muslims, they are still considered infidels. The film recounts the Godars' four main occupations: dancing, acting, hunting and music.
The Godars are Gypsies of Indian descent, who live in Northern Iran. No exact date is known for their migration to Iran. There is a belief that, in the fifth century, in order to entertain his subjects, King Bahram Djour had ordered two thousands Indian musicians to be dispatched to Iran. Among them were dancers, performers, musicians and prostitutes. Their original religion was Animism, which is a primitive belief that every object and phenomenon possesses life and soul. After the Islamic Revolution, the Godars were forced to convert to Islam and although they are now officially Muslims, they are still considered infidels. The film recounts the Godars' four main occupations: dancing, acting, hunting and music.

Being in Iran has many advantages. One you don’t need to stop in red. Two it’s not necessary to pay tax. Three there is many improbable opportunities that may found you without your will or desire. You may become very rich when you sleep at night and wake up at morning and many others…
My cousin didn’t have driving license until yesterday. But he never stopped with a police. Yesterday he got his driving license and he was driving when a polis car come and stopped him. He is a little boy and police thought he didn’t have license. Policeman cried to him while he was coming closer and meanwhile he was preparing his brand new license, which had today’s date on it. When police came nearby and saw his license said: ”Son, be careful!”
Hossein Derakhshan has an English blog and said this:
Iran Filter:
Excerpt: Why some websites doesn't catch on and some do? Please put these iranFilter icons in your blogs and websites.
Iran Filter:
Excerpt: Why some websites doesn't catch on and some do? Please put these iranFilter icons in your blogs and websites.

Monday, January 19, 2004
This revolution accive one of it's goals: poors become reach!
Today I was in taxi. Taxi driver said a policeman fined the drivers about 3 million Rials. Another passenger said: “They (government) were promising that we will pay the oil earning in front of your doors, and water, electricity and education will be free after revolution. Now the earn the countries budget from people’s fine.
My teeth doesn’t ace since I remember. When I saw someone who has teeth ace, I said him or her to be careful and use toothbrush. Some days ago there is sand in my lunch (rice) and it broke a part of one of my rear tooth an it’s edges became sharp for about a week. Then it starts to ace and now I know there are many inevitable problems that may cause teeth ace.
Parliament members who protest start to fast and don’t eat food from morning to evening. This kind of challenge or battle brings Gandhi in my mind.
My English is not good. Even the previous sentence maybe wrong grammatically or maybe people don’t say like that in foreign countries. I have never been out of Iran and didn’t see an English-speaking man closely. But I have learned English through books and classes in Iran. Writing weblog in addition to my aim for publishing my opinions and free flow of information in the world by non-governmental and free people’s sayings in the other hand is a tool to improve my English language. (And with your help in comments!)
Technology became to help us in every field. If you see there is no spelling errors in my writings is related to Office2000.
I saw Truman Show movie. It was grate. All of us are like him but we don’t have the courage to admit and to escape!
Thursday, January 15, 2004
First I tried to publish my Farsi weblog in blogspot, But there was some difficuklties. I decided to have an English weblog here.